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Life is movement and interaction

After working several years with people with reduced mobility, I've learned how much they need to go outside of their homes and participate in activities away from their daily environment. These outings help to activate the mind and the body and gives them an opportunity to meet new faces.

I am a running and walking enthusiast, and I sufferd a sports injury that prevented me from running and even walking without pain for several months. So I appreciate what it means to have restrained mobility. After my injury, I noticed several repercussions of this period of physical inactivity on my emotional, cognitive and social well-being. I see the importance of bringing my clients outdoors and making them move throughout a range of activities in adapted sports, social and cultural events, tourism and outdoor activities. I have noticed the improvement in well-being that these outings create and their positive effect on global health.

So here is my mission: to make you move! No matter what you're condition or limitations are, I allow for you to live vibrant and memorable experiences and escape the daily grind. 

All activities and outings are adapted to individual needs and rhythm of each participant. 


health within illness

I choose to be happy because it is good for my health (Voltaire)

I fundamentally believe that a person living with an illness that generates a physical or mental incapacity can choose to live a healthy life despite their illness. The key is to stay active regardless of the illness and to create ways to improve well-being and quality of life, both of which are part of a person's global health. Recocgnizing the well-functioning aspects of one's being is also important. One's undiminished capacities should be taken care of and exploited in order to compensate for the diminished capacities.  

My goal is to help my client focus on his or her forces rather than on the weaknesses and to put his or her health in the foreground. By offering my clients a variety of activities that aim to use their undiminished capacities, I provide them with a sense of control over their life. I allow them to thrive not despite their illness, but with their illness and in doing so, to use their power to live a happy life. Enjoying life, relations with other as well as nature, is my leitmotiv when I put together the outings and activities. I thus become a facilitator for the realisation of activities valued by the person.


I consider that a physical or mental incapacity is not synonymous with inactivty, but rather with the recocgnition of a need for care and assistance in daily life. In my care and activities, I aim at building a relationship that is based on trust with the care recipient by offering active listening and by insuring an authentic and respectful communication. For my client to realise their desired lifestyle, I pay specific attention to their needs and their expectations. 

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